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Camino Network

Back to grant program


Last updated August 22, 2023

Camino Network is the travel industry blockchain fueled by the Camino token (“CAM”) that offers a versatile network to expand current business models and to create new touristic products to delight travellers and business partners.

Our ecosystem welcomes all travel enthusiasts and developers who would like to shape the future of travel. Companies in the travel industry can easily create applications on the Camino Network as all common development tools (e.g., Remix, Solidity, Viper, Truffle, and more) are supported out of the box. The applications take the form of a decentralised App (dAPP) that is run on the Camino blockchain.

The Take-Off Camino Grant Program (“Grant Program”) aims to accelerate the Camino Network's growth development by providing grants in CAM to projects committed to developing software and research related to the travel industry.

Thank you for your interest in our Grant Program!


  1. The Camino Network Foundation (“Camino Foundation”) has launched the Grant Program, an up to 200 million CAM (20% of tokenomics) incentive program focused on the growth and development of the Camino Network. The Camino Foundation has been created through a vision for a prosperous and decentralized Camino Network. Recently founded, the Camino Foundation's main mission is to enable democratic and transparent relations within the Camino Network, fostering trust and collaboration among all participants in the travel ecosystem.
  2. Anyone is welcome to apply for a grant from the Camino Network. Projects funded through our Grant Program are broad in scope, and our focus lies on projects that add value to Camino Network’s ecosystem.
  3. You can find all our full eligibility requirements in our Grant Program Terms & Conditions that you can find https://camino.network/grant-program/.
  4. As a general rule, you are asked to finish a grant before applying for another one.


The Camino Foundation will work with you to establish the milestones that could help split up the compensation so as to allow payment whenever a milestone is hit. All payments will be made in CAM.


  1. We love to see a broad diversity of ideas in grant applications. But, there are a few things we look for in all grantees. For such reason, you must address all assessment criteria in your application. The Camino Foundation will assess your application based on the weighting given to each criterion.
  2. The application form asks questions that relate to the assessment criteria. The amount of detail and supporting evidence you provide in your application should be relative to the project size, complexity and grant amount requested. The application form displays size limits for answers.
  3. All grant applications should meet, among others, the following general principles to increase your chances of a green light:
  4. The Camino Foundation will review the applications and evaluate their merit, contribution to the ecosystem and overall value to the Camino Network as a whole and will consider funding applications that score 75% against each assessment criteria.
  5. Your project will need to comply with our Grant Program Terms and Conditions and with all relevant laws and regulations in undertaking your project. In particular, we require all projects to create documentation that explains how their project works. At a minimum, written documentation is required for funding. Tutorials or videos are also helpful for new users to understand how to use your product.
  6. We take licensing and the right of all teams in and outside the ecosystem to be recognized for their work very seriously. Using others' work with no attribution or indication that this was not your own work as part of a milestone delivery will lead to immediate termination. Please reach out to us before submitting if you have any doubts about how to comply with a specific license and we will be happy to help.


  1. Before applying you need to complete the application form, addressing all the eligibility and assessment criteria in order for your application to be considered. https://camino.network/grant-program.
  2. You are responsible for making sure your application is complete and accurate. Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the corresponding relevant jurisdiction. If we consider that you have provided false and misleading information we may not progress your application. If you find an error in your application after submitting it, please contact our support team at takeoff@camino.network.


  1. The Camino Foundation first review your application against the eligibility criteria. If eligible, we will then assess it against the assessment criteria. Only eligible applicants will proceed to the assessment stage.
  2. The Camino Foundation considers your application on its merits, based on (i) how well it meets the criteria; (ii) how it compares to other applications; and (iii) whether it provides value to the Camino Network. When assessing whether the application represents value to the Camino Network, we will have regard to (i) the overall objectives of the grant opportunity; (ii) the evidence provided to demonstrate how your project contributes to meeting these objectives; and (iii) the relative value of the grant sought.
  3. The Camino Foundation decides which grants to approve taking into account the application assessment and the availability of grant funds.
  4. The Camino Foundation’s decision is final in all matters, including (i) the grant approval, (ii) the grant funding to be awarded and (iii) any conditions attached to the offer of grant funding.
  5. The Camino Foundation will advise you of the outcome of your application in writing. If you are successful, we advise you of any conditions attached to the grant. If you are unsuccessful, the Camino Foundation will give you an opportunity to discuss the outcome with it. If there are possibilities to adjust the project and there are opportunities, you can modify and submit the grant application again.


  1. You must enter into a grant agreement with the Camino Foundation stating the general terms and conditions that cannot be changed.
  2. The approval of your grant may have specific conditions determined by the assessment process or other considerations made by the Camino Foundation. The Camino Foundation will identify these in the grant agreement.
  3. If you have questions about the grant application process itself, please contact our support team at takeoff@camino.network .


  1. It is important to note that after the grant application is approved, the Camino Foundation will monitor the project again to ensure that it is on a high-quality track by the deliverable milestone. In this way, The Camino Foundation has the right to pass or reject each deliverable milestone.
  2. Payments are made in CAM at the time of milestone signoff, up to and including the final deliverable milestone. In other words, if a specific deliverable milestone is approved by the Camino Foundation, you will successfully receive the grant for that stage. If rejected, the grant for that stage will not be received.
  3. Rejected milestones will be fed back to the developers for remediation, and then progress can continue again to receive payment or eventually stop the project.


The Camino Foundation will make announcements together with the successful grant teams once they have been accepted into the Grant Program.


The Camino Foundation may update these Guidelines from time to time. If the Camino Foundation makes any changes, the last updated date above will be adjusted. The Camino Foundation encourages you to periodically review the Guidelines for the latest information on the Grant Program. Any modification to these Guidelines will be effective upon the posting of the updated terms.

Camino Network

Camino is a decentralized network powered by the CAM token, driving growth in the global travel industry by utilizing web3 infrastructure. It offers businesses a secure and efficient ecosystem to connect, trade, and innovate.

Camino Whitepaper

*Important notice

We have submitted our White Paper notification to Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (“CONSOB”) in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 (MiCAR) which is under review.

Until the official publication of the White Paper, the purchase of CAM tokens will be restricted to residents of Italy.

We strongly recommend that all potential purchasers read the White Paper carefully before proceeding with any token purchase.

For any queries, please contact us at hello@camino.foundation

© 2025 Camino Network Foundation. All rights reserved.