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Builder Spotlight: Triend


Triend is a decentralised review tool that verifies and tokenises review and feedback data to improve experiences for travellers and business’s globally.



Data Insights


Customer Engagement


Triend is a cutting-edge decentralized review tool that harnesses the power of immutable and verified review and feedback data to enhance the experiences of travelers and businesses worldwide. By focusing on key metrics such as sustainability, authenticity, and inclusivity, Triend equips businesses with unmatched insights into their customers' preferences.

Triend provides an easy-to-integrate widget that travel providers can incorporate into their websites. This widget enables customers to leave reviews and feedback directly on the provider's website, eliminating the need for third-party platforms.

Customizable Surveys: Businesses can personalize questions within the widget to gather more specific information about their customers' experiences. This customization helps businesses understand their target audience better and identify areas for improvement in their services.

Triend Portal: Businesses gain access to the Triend portal, where they can monitor and analyze customer and staff feedback. The portal displays data based on trust standards such as authenticity, sustainability, inclusivity, and accessibility, providing valuable insights for the businesses.

Blockchain Technology: Triend utilises blockchain technology to securely store and manage reviews, turning them into digital assets owned and monetized by contributors. This encourages users to contribute high-quality reviews, creating a gamified and rewarding ecosystem.

Reward Tokens: Contributors are rewarded with tokens for their reviews, which can be spent on future travel, staking, or supporting sustainable causes. This incentive system further encourages user engagement and promotes a sense of community among users. It also differs from anything on the marker due the open transparency or getting rewarded for reviewing and answering specific questions that the business receives. No need for tricking to take data.

Data Analysis: Triend's advanced analytics tools enable businesses to gather essential data from reviews, helping them identify trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth. This tailored data analysis allows businesses to make informed decisions and fine-tune their operations.

In summary, Triend is a unique and innovative software solution that streamlines the review and feedback process for travel providers. By integrating the widget, customizing surveys, utilizing blockchain technology, and offering reward tokens, Triend enhances customer engagement, provides valuable insights for businesses, and creates a mutually beneficial ecosystem.

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Company country
United Kingdom
Direct contact
Matthew Hairsnape
Company links

Camino is the travel industry blockchain. Fueled by the Camino token, it is offering a versatile network to expand current business models and to create new touristic products to delight travelers and business partners.

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